At the heart of this new almost ten-minute video is our late founder of Trinity Foundation calling for transparency and accountability. We hope you’ll share it with others. It deals with red flags to watch out for when encountering charities and non-profits—especially churches or church-related organizations.

When a church or ministry collapses from scandal, followers often pick up on missed clues. Some of these clues or red flags to watch out for include high pressure to donate right away, ministry leaders describing their own wealth and/or God’s promised wealth to individuals, false prophesies, and twisted scriptures trying to prove that God needs your money—care of their ministry of course.

Do you ever wonder why televangelists never suggest that you to pick up your cross or be content with the things you have? These messages are never popular with the masses and come in direct conflict with the American Dream—with mankind’s own inherent greed. Television programming time slots are quite expensive but also quite lucrative. It’s Darwinian in nature. Only the most successful con-artists who can raise the most money from their audiences can maintain their presence on TV. These include pastors with the best entertainment value, the best music, or the most outrageous actors. Instead of the true gospel, it has become a kind of anti-gospel which is not really a gospel at all. It’s little more than a caricature of the truth to tickle one’s ears attempting to maintain a person’s interest. Please share this video with anyone who cares about the victims of these scammers or with the victims themselves if they are open to watch it.

At the end of the video comes a dream about the Lion of the Tribe of Judah—Christ himself.

Our first episode of “Air Traffic Out of Control” features eye-opening comments from televangelists about their use of private jets. It also shows how we track ministry aircraft.

Ole Anthony, the founder of Trinity Foundation, passed away in 2021. In this video from 2012, Ole Anthony explains the scope and the reasons behind the foundation’s investigations into religious fraud around the world.