Trinity Foundation | The Wittenburg Door |
Ted Henry is sharing the stories of many Clevelanders who say they’ve been healed as a result of healing miracles.
Those healed include friends, neighbors, prominent doctors, relatives, media personalities and even people from other states."So I saw him the following week, and that week I was healed of the MS. I do not have MS anymore," Simmons said.
Liz’s story is not unusual. For more than a decade now, a band of healers including a priest, nun and a lay couple come together to pray for the purpose of restoring sick people back to good health, Henry reported. The healings usually take place in catholic churches, but people of all faiths are welcome. Randy Zinn said what happens here is amazing. "I had a ruptured disc in my neck and I had been scheduled for surgery at the hospital," Zinn said. He never needed his surgery. According to Henry, Zinn was healed spiritually by Dr. Issam Nemeh, one of the members of the healing team. "He said, 'Do you believe in God'? I said, 'I do.' He said, 'Do you believe that God could heal you'? I said, 'I could save you some time here, I believe in a God that could put man on earth, that allows the birds in the sky and who allows the grass to grow. Yes, I believe that all things are possible.' And he said, 'Well, this won’t take very long,'" Zinn said. In minutes, Zinn was healed, Henry said. These healers travel from church to church. No money is ever accepted. No one is ever refused. How do doctors view the subject of miraculous healing? Doctors are taking a new look at the power of Prayer, Henry said. Some report spiritual healings of their own. Dr. Michael Hudec, of Parma, once had cancer. "But something powerful happened. I always heard of laying on of hands and falling in the spirit and I was a naysayer," Hudec said. "You know in science, as a doctor, you always kind of question stuff like that, until you experience it first hand." Hudec believes he was cured of testicular cancer by Sister Monica of the healing team. As proof, he points to children he was never suppose to have, and he thanks the nun. "She doesn’t know it. You know I don’t know her personally, but she is a miracle worker," Hudec said. And another person who benefited by the miracle workers was Jill Mierau, who was dying in the final stages of cancer. "By the time I came here, my cancer had so progressed, the lungs were infected, I was on oxygen and you know the pain was really bad. I was on an extreme amount of narcotics for pain relief," Mierau said. Mierau’s cancer doctor said there was nothing more to do. She gave her two months to live. "She said, get your house in order. I planned the funeral, bought the grave, did the whole shabang. By May of last year, I was suppose to be dead," Mierau said. But after coming to the healers, Mierau weaned herself away from most of her medications. Her great pain is gone. She no longer needs oxygen and the sole focus of her attention now is her 10-year-old daughter, Ashley, who gave her a necklace. "So that represents my daughter, if that means anything. My daughter says to me, 'Mom, what more do you need? You always tell me you need Jesus. So that’s what you need then,'” Mierau said. She was helped both at the healing church services and at Nemeh's office. Mierau has come a long way since last year. Now, she wants to bring her out-of-town aunt who has fourth stage cancer to the services. And Mierau wants others to know that she is still alive. "I wish I could tell everybody, because it’s such a wonderful feeling to still be here to know that my life has meaning again," Mierau said. "I am not done yet. You know, I am not done. I have a lot to do yet. I have a 10-year-old girl that I know just needs me." Henry said that Mierau is an amazing woman, and like many others who said they’ve been healed, she continues to attend the healing services for the purpose of being spiritually supportive of others. You can share your experienced with Ted by e-mailing him at Get the list of healing service, here.
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Trinity Foundation | The Wittenburg Door |